Maximize Your Amazon Sales: The Benefits of Targeting Your Own ASINs

If you’ve been selling on Amazon for a while, you might wonder if it’s worth using Sponsored Ads to target your ASINs. After all, you want to protect your listings from competitors who might steal your sales with their ads.

But is this tactic genuinely effective, or is it just a waste of resources?

In this blog, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of targeting your ASIN on Amazon and share some effective strategies for making it work.

Quick Overview of the Article:

  • Sponsored Ads placement on Amazon
  • Sponsored Product Ads – Manual Targeting
  • Sponsored Display Ads – Product Targeting
  • Pros and Cons of Targeting Your ASIN on Amazon
  • Effective ASIN Targeting Strategies
  • Final Thoughts

Sponsored Ads Placement on Amazon Product Targeting Ads

Amazon’s product targeting ads offer various ad formats and the flexibility to position your ads strategically for maximum impact. There are primarily two types of targeting you can use:

  • Sponsored Product Ads – Manual Targeting
  • Sponsored Display Ads – Product Targeting

Sponsored Product Ads – Manual Targeting

Sponsored Product Ads are one of Amazon’s most popular and effective advertising options. Manual targeting gives you more control over where your ads appear and which keywords or products they target. Here’s how it works:

  • Keyword Targeting: You can choose specific keywords relevant to your product. Your ad may appear in the search results when customers search for these keywords. This method allows you to target customers who are actively searching for products similar to yours.
  • Product Targeting: You can target specific ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) or categories of products. This means your ad can appear on the product detail pages of similar or complementary products. For example, if you sell coffee makers, you might target related ASINs like coffee beans or mugs.

Manual targeting requires ongoing management to optimize performance, including adjusting bids and refining keywords or product targets based on their performance. This level of control can lead to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment (ROI) since you can focus your budget on the most relevant and practical targets.

Sponsored Display Ads – Product Targeting

Sponsored Display Ads are another powerful advertising tool on Amazon, focusing on display advertising to reach potential customers on and off Amazon. Product targeting with Sponsored Display Ads works as follows:

  • Product Detail Pages: Your ads can appear on the product detail pages of specific ASINs. This allows you to target customers viewing products similar to or complementary to yours. For instance, if you sell laptop cases, your ads could appear on the product pages of laptops or laptop accessories.
  • Off-Amazon Reach: Sponsored Display Ads can also appear on third-party websites and apps that are part of Amazon’s advertising network. This expands your reach beyond Amazon and helps you attract new customers who might not be actively searching on Amazon but are browsing related content elsewhere.
  • Audience Targeting: In addition to product targeting, Sponsored Display Ads offer audience targeting options. You can target specific customer segments based on their shopping behavior, such as those who have viewed your product or similar products, making these ads highly effective for retargeting and re-engaging potential customers.

Sponsored Display Ads with product targeting are designed to increase visibility and drive traffic to your product listings. They leverage both on-site and off-site placements to capture a broader audience. They are handy for brand awareness and driving sales through more strategic and expansive ad placements.

By using both Sponsored Product Ads – Manual Targeting and Sponsored Display Ads – Product Targeting, you can create a comprehensive advertising strategy that maximizes your visibility on Amazon and beyond, reaching customers at various stages of their shopping journey.

Pros and Cons of Targeting Your ASIN on Amazon

As with any strategy, targeting your ASIN on Amazon has benefits and drawbacks, depending on your specific goals and needs.


Defending Your Brand: Targeting your ASIN with ads prevents competitors from capturing your customers by occupying ad space in branded search results or product detail pages. This ensures that when customers search for your brand or product name, your product listing appears prominently, and they won’t see competitors’ products below the “Buy Now” button on your product detail pages.

Cross-Promotion: If your brand has multiple products, targeting your ASINs allows you to cross-promote related products or upsell complementary items, potentially increasing overall sales and average order value within your product line.

Boost Organic Ranking & Sales Velocity: Running ads on your ASIN increases visibility and sales velocity, improving organic rankings. This increased activity signals to Amazon’s A9 algorithm that your product is popular and relevant, which can result in better placements in recommendations and other strategic sections on the platform.

Cost Efficiency & Improved ACoS: Targeting your ASINs often requires a lower bid than targeting competitive keywords. These ads, shown at the final stage of the shopping journey, have a high conversion chance, potentially reducing your Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS).

Improve Share of Voice (SOV): Share of Voice measures how much visibility your brand has compared to competitors. By targeting your ASIN, you can dominate ad placements for your product, increase your SOV, and help establish your brand as a market leader while reducing the visibility of competing products.


Cannibalization of Organic Traffic: Running product targeting ads on your listings can lead to shoppers clicking on your ads instead of organic search results. This can divert traffic from organic listings to ads, impacting long-term visibility and organic ranking.

Increased Costs: Running ads, even on your products, incurs costs. If you face little competition, you might pay for clicks that would have gone to your product anyway, reducing your profit margins and ROI.

Limited Reach: Focusing only on targeting your ASINs might limit your reach, as you miss out on broader customer bases searching for similar products but need to be made aware of your brand. This can restrict your sales potential.

Effective ASIN Targeting Strategies:

Understanding the pros and cons makes it clear that you shouldn’t limit yourself to targeting your ASINs. Amazon’s ASIN Targeting offers numerous opportunities that can yield excellent results. Below are some strategies that have proven effective.

  1. Target Superior Competitors: Identify competitor ASINs where your product offers a clear advantage (e.g., lower price, better reviews). Target these listings with your ads to capture potential customers at the decision point.
  2. Filter Out Inferior Competitors: Conversely, use negative targeting to exclude competitor ASINs with superior product listings. This reduces ad waste and improves ACoS.
  3. Target Competitors Without Offers: If competitors need active promotions, create compelling offers on your listing (e.g., coupons, discounts) and target their ASINs to attract customers seeking deals.
  4. Target High-Traffic Brands: Capitalize on competitor brands that have heavily invested in sponsored brand ads by targeting their ASINs to reach their established customer base.
  5. Cross-Promote and Upsell: Target your high-performing ASINs to promote complementary or substitute products within your brand, encouraging customers to explore your offerings.

Final Thoughts

The decision to target your own ASIN on Amazon isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a deep understanding of your business goals, competition, and advertising landscape. While you can defend your brand, cross-promote products, and boost organic rankings, you must also consider potential drawbacks like cannibalizing organic traffic, increased costs, and limited reach.

By weighing these pros and cons and implementing the right strategies, you can make ASIN targeting a profitable part of your Amazon advertising strategy.

Do you have unique ASIN targeting strategies that have worked for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation to enhance your advertising strategies!

How eMarspro Can Assist You?

At eMarspro, we specialize in helping businesses thrive on Amazon through expert e-commerce solutions and tailored strategies. Our comprehensive Amazon account management services are designed to enhance your brand’s visibility, drive sales, and maximize your return on investment. Here’s how we can assist you:

Expert Amazon Advertising Management

Our team of experienced professionals will manage your Amazon Sponsored Ads campaigns, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads. We utilize advanced targeting techniques and data-driven strategies to ensure your ads reach the right audience, increasing conversions and improving your Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS).

Comprehensive ASIN Targeting Strategies

Our team of Amazon consulting experts provides customized ASIN targeting strategies to help you dominate your market. By identifying high-performing ASINs and strategically targeting competitors, we ensure your products gain maximum visibility and outshine the competition. Our methods include keyword targeting, product targeting, and leveraging Amazon’s unique features to boost your brand’s presence.

Enhanced Product Listings and SEO

Our team optimizes your product listings with high-quality images, compelling copy, and relevant keywords to improve your organic search rankings and attract more customers. We ensure your listings are fully optimized for Amazon’s A9 algorithm, increasing visibility and driving sales.

In-Depth Analytics & Reporting

We provide detailed analytics and regular reports about your campaign’s performance. Our insights help you make data-driven decisions, optimize your strategies, and achieve your business goals.

Ongoing Support & Consultation

Our dedicated support team can always assist you with any queries or challenges. We offer continuous consultation to refine your strategies and ensure your business stays ahead in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

Partner with us and take your Amazon business to new heights. 

Contact us today to get started!

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